Touch Panel Restore Procedure

1.Power down the Touch Panel.

2. Remove the USB Flash drive from the Touch Panel and insert into a PC.

3. Verify that you have a directory off of the root named  EA_MemoryCopy. If not contact support and request a zip file.



4. Verify that inside that directory there is a file named StartupStorage.eas9.

5. Reinstall the USB Flash into the Touch Panel and power it up.

6. Access the System Screens by pressing and holding the upper left corner of the touch screen for 5 seconds (See user manual page 5-4).

7. Select Memory from the Main Menu then select Reset to Factory Default (see user manual 5-34 and 5-52).

8. After Reset the Touch Panel will reboot and come up with a Touch Screen Calibration procedure (see user manual 5-52).

9. After performing the Touch Screen Calibration the panel will show No User Program message.

10. Access the System Screens by pressing and holding the upper left corner of the touch screen for 5 seconds (See user manual 5-4) again.

11. Select Memory from the Main Menu then select Restore (see user manual 5-34 and 5-42).

12. From the Restore (Step 1)  Menu select USB to highlight the USB button yellow then select Next (see user manual 5-42).

13. From the Restore (Step 2)  Menu select Project and System to highlight both yellow then select Next (see user manual 5-44).

14. From the Restore (Step 3)  Menu select OK. A Copying… message will pop up. Wait about three minutes for this to complete(see user manual 5-45).

15. Once the Restore is completed the panel will reboot and come back to normal operation.

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